It takes quality to win the trust of customers. In order to ensure the high quality of our products, we take strict checking procedures before products can leave our factory. For inspection procedures, we apply machining and measuring devices including a Leader Metrology (U.S.) CMM, Renishaw laser interferometer measurement system, verticality measuring device, hardness tester, box parallels of different sizes, etc. We perform hi-pot tests, ground resistance measurement, insulation resistance measurement and noise measurement for every CNC device we produce before leaving the factory to ensure the quality and accuracy of our products.
Coordinate MeasuringWe apply Leader Metrology (U.S.) CMM to measure the geometric tolerance of the parts of machining centers produced, to ensure working accuracy.
Dial GaugeWe apply a dial gauge for machine size, shape and positional error measurement.
Laser InterferometerSurface evenness of a device deeply influences its working accuracy, to ensure its accuracy, we apply laser interferometer for machine positioning, speed, angle, flatness, parallelism, and verticality measurement. Our measuring system is equipped for linear error compensation, and avoiding errors made by manual calculation and inputs, in order to promote machine tool to its maximum accuracy.
Laser CollimatorApply to measure glancing flatness of guide rails, to check if the rails are bent.